Page 68 - 인천국제공항 4단계 건설사업 건설지 [브랜드북 영문]
P. 68

Final test: to                      With the smooth progress of Phase 4, IIAC began efforts to prepare for the grand opening in

            become a premier                    September 2023. The goal was to make sure the best quality service was offered from day one.
                                                In February 2024, the completion rate passed 90%. In April, a C level meeting was held at the
            international                       project control room. Before completion, many discussions regarding difficulties and potential

            airport                             issues were conducted.
                                                In May, the construction neared its end with waterproof work for the roof, finishing materials for

                                                the structure, and glass for Terminal 2. A trial operation started for grid connection and operation.
                                                The link between new facilities and systems was tested. A trial operation was run after August
                                                with actual aircraft and virtual passengers.
                                                Pressure was high as the trial operation period was short. However, experts with abundant

                                                experience and knowledge successfully completed the trial operation. Phase 4 of Incheon Airport
                                                was completed at the end of October 2024. It was time to reveal the result of the construction.

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