Page 81 - 인천국제공항 4단계 건설사업 건설지 [화보집 영문]
P. 81
Along with the site preparation work, the construction of Phase 2 civil structures was chosen to host the 2008 Olympics, the original opening target of late 2008
began in earnest. The construction of Runway 3 was one of the key parts of the was brought forward to July 2008, prior to the Olympic Games. The construction
Phase 2 construction project. Runway 3 was meticulously planned to reflect future of Runway 3 was affected by the trends in global air transport and aviation
trends in the aviation industry from the basic design phase. Despite a decline in demand forecasts. The liberalization of air travel significantly expanded global
aviation demand during the 2002 severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak routes, intensifying competition among countries to establish hub airports. Airlines
and the 2008 financial crisis, the construction of Runway 3 proceeded without sought ways to transport more passengers and cargo faster, and Airbus responded
interruption, and the completion timeline was even moved forward. As Beijing to this demand by introducing the ultra-large A380 aircraft.
78 PART.2 | Bringing the world together in a larger space | Phase 2 construction project 79