Page 220 - 인천국제공항 4단계 건설사업 건설지 [화보집 영문]
P. 220
Implementing a people-focused
safety system
installing firefighting facility
Considering stability and efficiency, Phase 4 decided to build a separate fire lines with PAS, ISS, HVAC, and ELEVESC for smooth evacuation guidance and
warning system from Phase 3 with an integrated operation. In this respect, an prevention of combustion expansion.
integrated server for the Fire Alarm System (FAS) and the Enterprise Application The project to expand Transportation Center 2 introduced an advanced fire
Integration (EAI) was installed with the Phase 4 Terminal 2 extension. With the monitoring system, in particular, fire detection sensors. The existing analog fire
expansion of firefighting facilities, IIAC planned to build an integrated disaster detector had many errors due to ocean fog or dew condensation as it is exposed
management center linked with the existing Terminal 2 disaster management to outdoor air. IIAC applied a new optic fire detection sensor in the large-scale
center. The new disaster management center enables swift dispatch in case of fire parking buildings while selecting a construction method satisfying fire safety
by integrating Phase 3 and 4 with new facilities. criteria in cooperation with fire stations to prevent structural interference between
An integrated monitoring system for airport fire alerts was also built. An integrated vehicle movement routes and building structures. As a result, it was able to reduce
monitoring server receives all fire information at the airport and shows the related costs and improve the ability to detect fires, regardless of weather conditions.
data on displays at the disaster monitoring center. IIAC also secured system
compatibility in case a fire warning system is added in the future. It also built hot
218 The 30-year History of Incheon Airport Construction 219