Page 217 - 인천국제공항 4단계 건설사업 건설지 [화보집 영문]
P. 217
global airport driving the Digital New Deal.” Following this direction, IIAC people with disabilities. In particular, IIAC improved convenience and comfort
proceeded with installing information and communications infrastructure for: 1) for people with mobility issues by providing customized support facilities, for
Terminal 2 expansion areas; 2) reserved land; and 3) improvement areas for VIPs example, by removing the difference in level between the input slot of the self-
in the eastern and western sections. Main facilities included those for exchange, bag-drop and the story.
announcement broadcasts, video screens, clocks, wireless communications,
integrated piping and wiring, navigational information displays, airport networks, Assisting airport communications:
airport passenger support, 5G-based mobile airport operation platforms, media art, upgrading the airport communications system
and security/guard systems. The navigational communications system provides flight and navigational
information while the airport communications system offers convenient services
Providing accurate and swift flight information: to users. During Phase 4, IIAC upgraded the operation systems including
establishing navigational communication system announcements and wireless communications to improve user experience. To
Airports need to provide navigational data through real-time monitoring and this end, it installed exchange facilities including media gateways, announcement
swiftly offer information. They should display data in many places across the equipment such as speakers and amplifiers, video equipment including fiber optic
airport to enable users to confirm information swiftly and easily. Airports also shelves and ONU, clocks, and wireless communication facility including fiber
need to provide customized information. Based on these necessities, Phase 4 optic repeaters and LCX cables in the extended Terminal 2 areas, reservation
established the navigational information system, airport passenger support system, areas, and improvement areas.
work and operation network data, and network security system. IIAC installed
6 FIDS for check-in counters, 90 FIDS for BHS, and 36 smart signs to display
transfer information. It also built a large-scale data communication network and
ultrahigh speed 5G WiFi service facility. Construction started in July 2021 and is
scheduled to finish in October 2025.
In Phase 4, there have been considerable developments in navigational
communications and passenger support. For navigational communications, IIAC
upgraded the system to next generation WiFi 6E while separating the network
as per security level of user groups to strengthen security. It also improved the
unmanned ticketing and baggage processing systems. Passengers can reserve and
issue tickets anytime and anywhere and enjoy simplified boarding procedures
thanks to the self-check-in and bag-drop. IIAC also improved the passenger
support facility to prepare for an increasing number of children, the elderly, and
214 PART.4 | Achieving the 100-million-passenger era | Phase 4 construction project 215