Page 55 - 인천국제공항 4단계 건설사업 건설지 [브랜드북 영문]
P. 55

BHS completed                       The Baggage Handling System (BHS) is integral to airports as it automatically transports baggage

            with innovative                     using barcoded tags with embedded baggage information.
                                                Incheon Airport faced a major crisis in 2016 when delayed baggage handling caused flight
            technology                          departures to be delayed. Following this, Incheon Airport focused on upgrading the system,

                                                achieving a world-class baggage handling accuracy rate (99.9998%) by 2019, reducing the rate of
                                                mishandled baggage to just two per million.
                                                Through the Phase 4 project, Incheon Airport introduced smart systems to establish an unrivaled,

                                                ultra-competitive baggage handling service. A key advancement in the Phase 4 BHS was the
                                                integration of the system with the Phase 3 operating system. In addition to the laser scanner
                                                recognition method used in Phase 3, a next-generation camera-based barcode tag recognition
                                                system was implemented, improving the accuracy of baggage information retrieval. The system

                                                now captures images of baggage barcode tags with cameras, and high-performance Optical
                                                Character Recognition (OCR) technology identifies flight numbers and destinations, increasing
                                                the baggage barcode tag read rate from 96% to 99%.
                                                The baggage sorting process was enhanced by integrating the existing Individual Carrier System

                                                (ICS) with the Tilt Tray Sorter (TTS) method, resulting in a faster and more secure baggage

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