Page 130 - 인천국제공항 4단계 건설사업 건설지 [화보집 영문]
P. 130
Creating value beyond the airport
Development project for adjacent areas as it enjoyed the benefits of the rising demand for aerial
Incheon Airport intended to create an aerotropolis from Phase services. After its success in attracting Paradise City, it
1. Accordingly, Phase 3 conducted development projects started the construction of a resort cluster. It also created a
for adjacent areas. The development of the International joint maintenance depot for LCCs, where 2 small B737-size
Business Center (IBC) started in Phase 1. During the Phase aircraft can be maintained at the same time on the north of
3 construction project, as Phase 2 of the IBC-I area (Phase Terminal 2. This is how Incheon Airport secured aviation
1 of the IBC-I was carried out during Phase 1 construction safety and minimized cancellations due to maintenance
project), the development project for Paradise City Resort issues, improving the timeliness of flight.
began, while IBC-III started construction for the Inspire
Entertainment Resort. Phase 1 of Paradise City, which
started in November 2014, was completed in January 2017.
As a result, IIAC was able to improve its competitiveness
and created more than KRW 5 billion in annual rental profit,
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