Page 74 - 인천국제공항 4단계 건설사업 건설지 [화보집 영문]
P. 74

Rising aviation demand and

          initiation of Phase 2 construction

          During Phase 1 construction, global aviation demand continued to increase. In   expanded by 1.089 million square meters for passenger aprons and 115,000 square
          1999 and 2000 alone, air transportation demand increased by 17.2% annually,   meters for cargo aprons, with plans to build Concourse to improve passenger

          with future growth projected at 8.8% per year for the following decade.   convenience. To enhance airport support functions, the International Business
          There were, of course, unexpected issues that suppressed air transportation   Complex was to be expanded by 330,000 square meters, and to strengthen
          demand. The Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s and the September 11   logistics capabilities, the cargo terminal would be expanded by 100,000 square
          terrorist attacks in the US in 2002 temporarily declined air transportation demand.   meters. Additionally, facilities to facilitate seamless aircraft refueling and sea-air

          However, their impacts were short-lived. The fast economic growth of China and   intermodal transportation of passengers and cargo were also were planned.
          India in the 2000s drove the global economy and, in particular, China’s market   The Phase 2 project also included private investment initiatives for the cargo
          opening and growth had a critical impact on Korea’s economic growth.   terminal, in-flight catering facilities, and airport access infrastructure such as the
          After the Phase 1 facility opening, Korea’s international status in the aviation   airport railway. To manage the construction effectively with a limited budget and

          industry enhanced. This development influenced the planning for the Phase 2   workforce, the Phase 2 project introduced Construction Management (CM), an
          construction project. Revised projections just before the Phase 1 opening indicated   advanced construction management technique that involves planning, feasibility
          that demand would exceed capacity by 2002 for passenger aprons, 2004 for   studies, analysis, design, procurement, contracting, construction supervision,
          cargo aprons, and 2008 for runways. Above all, to attract China's rapidly growing   evaluation, and post-construction management. For Phase 2, CM was applied to

          export and import logistics and accommodate the surging numbers of Chinese   project planning, schedule management, integrated information management,
          air passengers, it was necessary to quickly secure sufficient airport capacity. This   design management, specialized project management, quality control, safety
          background led to the formal initiation of Incheon Airport’s Phase 2 construction   management, and environmental management.
          project.                                                              Moreover, the Phase 2 construction project increased the proportion of self-funded

          According to the fourth revised master plan announced in December 2001,   investment. The self-funded portion of the budget increased from 60% in Phase 1
          Phase 2 aimed to add 8.25 million square meters of airport facilities, including   to 65% in Phase 2, paving the way for achieving 100% self-funding in the Phases
          an additional runway with a length of 4 km. The aircraft aprons were to be   3 and 4 construction projects.

          72                                                                                                     The 30-year History of Incheon Airport Construction                                                                                                                                                73
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