Page 156 - 인천국제공항 4단계 건설사업 건설지 [화보집 영문]
P. 156
Removing the large wall:
exterior wall demolition & improvement work
To expand the Terminal 2 check-in hall, a large exterior wall, 40 meters tall and
17,500 square meters in area, had to be demolished first. This scale of exterior
wall demolition and expansion is rarely seen in Korea or abroad and was a
highly challenging task. Given that the demolition took place in an operating
airport, there were inevitable issues such as noise and dust as well as safety and
security. Through multiple processes such as consultations with related people,
IIAC developed a basic plan for the exterior wall construction in June 2023 and
began the large-scale demolition after relocating the existing facilities. Initially, a
temporary wall was planned to be installed to cover the area, but due to the risk
of collapse, the temporary structure was changed to a system support based on 3D
modeling and thorough structural reviews. After numerous field consultations and
reviews, a comprehensive construction plan on temporary work was developed,
enabling the demolition to proceed safely.
Alongside the exterior wall demolition, improvement work also began. Since
the improvement work took place in areas densely packed with key passenger
processing facilities, there was inevitable interference with major facilities such as
passenger services, duty-free shops, flight operations, security, and safety facilities.
To address this problem, IIAC formed a consultation body to ensure passenger
flows and minimize work to change structures, ensuring that airport operations
continued while construction progressed rapidly. During the construction stage,
the opinions of various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Justice as well as
airlines, were gathered to build user-friendly facilities. In particular, as the airport's
operating environment rapidly changed after the pandemic, IIAC continuously
reviewed the operational trends of resident agencies and airlines and restructured
the facilities accordingly.
154 The 30-year History of Incheon Airport Construction 155